Miss Call Service
An Innovative Business Communication

Miss call service provider for a hassle free business promotional campaign. Call Back Service to make verification, polls, password retrieving, support and sales activities.

It sounds surprise if someone listen that a simple miss call can be used for a business promotion or marketing. In general, people may think that both are way apart from each other but in a practical scenario things are quite different. Miss Call service not only can be used but it also has the potential like other Bulk SMS services for an apt mobile marketing.

In technical terms, this is otherwise known as Call Back Service or CBS. Miss call is obviously for your customers and all you need to do is to respond them no matter what your answer medium is. It can be a text reply, voice answer, etc; all will come under CBS service. “Give us a miss call to ‘some number’ and we will answer back”, whole concept based on this simple statement.

How Miss Call Service Really Works?

Step One: As an initial phase, you need to assign a number for your business. If you’re running multiple mobile marketing campaigns, different numbers can be used. Your customers need to interact with you just by giving a simple miss call. Automated system that is integrated with this service will automatically rejects the call right after the first ring.

Step Two: In this stage, an internal system will work which sends received information like customer’s number, operator, time and even location to server for further processing.

Step Three: Here comes the real purpose of this service i.e. answering back to your customer. You can arrange a call back, text reply or auto voice call respond back to your customers which is embedded with your promotional strategies.

Following is our process for miss call service that you can get.

  • You will be provided with a CBS number to which your customers give miss call.
  • An internal application will check contact details of that number from our database.
  • If service is active, the call will be hanged up.
  • Caller will get an SMS with your business details with your registered brand name.
  • After finishing this, our database will store all your information.
  • A verification mail will be sent after finishing all the process.

Where I Can Use Miss Call Service?

Voting, Polls and/or Feedback: It is applicable for voting during a live event, TV reality shows or any similar events. Users can give their rating as well as opinion that will enhance engagement. Apart from this, it can also be used to engage users in opinion polls during any popular events like elections, movie release, sports, etc.

Mobile Number Verification: It is nothing but to stop fake or spam registration or union with your business firm. Proper authority is always necessary no matter who your customer is. Right after a registration, you can use Miss Call Service for their mobile number verification.

Password Retrieving: Customers can simply give a miss call from their registered mobile number if they want to retrieve or change their account password. It is effective and easiest manner which doesn’t involve any difficulties.

Customer Support: This is the most traditional use of this service and all together, the most popular one. You can replace your in-use toll free number with our MS Alert number. If you’re providing customer support through this, it will surely increase their satisfaction.

Mobile Number:+91 8885466255

Dial for Further Process and/or Contact Us to start taking Miss Call Service.